
A sample of applications that I've built. Most recent projects are towards the top.
Visit my github box for more!

Web Scraper that allows a user to scrape articles from FloridaMan. After articles are scraped, user can save articles. Saved articles will populate on the saved articles page. From the save articles page, user can add a note and view notes that have already been written on articles. User can also remove article from the save page.
Technologies Utilized
MongoDB, MongooseJS, Node.js, Express.js,CheerioJs, Bootstrap, Handlebars.js

A burger logger app where user can order new burgers in input and then 'eat' them while logging their name. Logs all burgers ordered and eaten and keeps track of who has eaten them. Followed the MVC design pattern; used Node and Sequelize to query and route data in the app, and Handlebars to generate HTML.
Technologies Utilized
MySQL, Sequelize, Node.js, Express.js, Bootstrap, Handlebars.js, Heroku, JawsDB

Full-stack "compatibility-based" app that takes in results from users' surveys, then compares their answers with those from other users. The app will then display the name and picture of the user with the best overall match.
Technologies Utilized
Node.js, Express.js, Materialize

App utlizies Zomato and Yummly APIs to give user options on what to eat whether user decides to stay in or go out for food. Also option that will randomly pick for user. User can create account and save all recipe and restaurant favorites. Built with a team.
Technologies Utilized
Firebase, Javascript, Materialize, APIs

Amazon-like storefront made with MySQL. The app takes in orders from customers and depletes stock from the store's inventory. The app also tracks product sales across the store's departments and then provides a summary of the highest-grossing departments in the store.
Technologies Utilized
Node.js, MySQL

Backend for a basic flashcard generator application. User can choose to create either a basic flashcard or a cloze deletion flashcard. User will input information for flashcard and information will log in a text file. User also has the option to view all current flashcards.
Technologies Utilized

Train schedule application that incorporates Firebase to host arrival and departure data. App retrieves and manipulates this information with Moment.js. The website provides up-to-date information about various trains, namely their arrival times and how many minutes remain until they arrive at their station.
Technologies Utilized
Moment.js, Firebase, Jquery, Javascript, Bootstrap

A timed food trivia game. User has a set amount of time to guess the correct answer to the displayed question. If user is wrong or runs out of time, game will display correct answer. If user picks correctly, user's score will increase. After all questions are asked, the user's score will display at the end. User can then decide if they want to restart game.
Technologies Utilized
Javascript, JQuery, Bootstrap, HTML5

An app utilizing the GIPHY API. App takes an array and creates HTML buttons. User clicks on a button to popular giphy images on the page. User can click the still giphy image to get it to animate and again to get it to stop. The form on the page will take user input and create a new button.
Technologies Utilized
Javascript, JQuery, Bootstrap, API, HTML5

A Golden Girl themed RPG that allows user to choose a character and fight other characters for the last piece of cheesecake. Each character has health points, attack points, and counter-attack points. Attack points increase for user's character as user attacks.
Technologies Utilized
Javascript, JQuery, Bootstrap, HTML5